Guild Wars

Hey all,

I’m sorry to tell you that in the coming week I will not be able to update this blog either.
My writer has a busy week ahead and will not be able to write any more story’s until 8 march(whatever that might mean, but he told me to tell you guys that).

Batavus the Scribe

I took a torch out of my backpack and hold it into the fire I had made before the wolves attacked us. With the help of the torch I could now see that the cave went in deeper than I thought when first walking inside with Rothgur. We headed in while being on the lookout of other unfriendly creatures. I called Rothgur by his name in hope of a shout so we could indicate where to go, but no one answered. Then my luck kicked in again, as the Norn told me she could sense a terrified dwarf by miles, and I followed her while she was leading the way. Ahead of us I could see the fresh trails of mandragor moving below the ground. If they would see us, it would be a tough battle especially since the Norn had an injury of the battle with the wolves. We tried to stay close to the walls of the cave hoping that they wouldn’t sense us.
We continued our search for Rothgur while being aware of our surroundings and watching out for those mandragors crawling around. It was really difficult navigating around as the only light we saw was from my torch and some small holes at the top of the cave. While we were walking I asked the Norn for her name, she told me she was called Bertha, she told me that it was stupid of us to make a fire while wolves were around. But it did not matter as it had happened already and nothing could be changed. When we walked around a corner I saw a movement ahead of us, it was quite small and was running away for something, could that be Rothgur? I shouted his name again, the thing stood still, looked back and ran forward again. If it was really Rothgur, why was he running away from us then, maybe he thought that we were wolves that wanted to eat a dwarf? Seriously, I would not dare to eat one, Grenth knows what he might’ve eaten for lunch the other day. We fastened our steps to catch up with him before he could get away even further.
When we got closer I heard the sound of a crying dwarf (it’s pretty distinctive, it’s like Weeeeheeeeee, you know, the sound you make when you’re just born). He then shouted: “don’t come closer, don’t look at me”! I asked him why in Dwayna’s name he was afraid of us, and started to walk closer to him. Then the light of my torch reached him, and I knew why he was crying. He turned into stone, or at least, it looked like he turned into stone, because, stone cannot move, and I clearly saw his hands trying to hide his face. I asked him why he looked like this, but he did not know, his mother did tell him a story about turning into stone, but he did never really listen to it; “must’ve been a punishment for doing something wrong”, he told us.
Bertha was standing near me, observing the dwarf, she opened her mouth and start talking:
“It is quite possible that this is one of those Dwarven legends, there is a telling about the deldrimor dwarves. In order to defeat their greatest enemy, The Great Destroyer, the dwarves would turn into stone by pleading to their leader, The Great Dwarf. It has been said that once The Great Dwarf has been spoken to, all deldrimor dwarves would turn into stone. Although it was just a mere legend, it seems like it has come true.
Great, so now I got a Stoned-dwarf companion (he must be using drugs). We found him, but we still need to get out of this place, and I for one, do not know where the exit is.

Along the route over the peaks of the mountains we stumbled across a stone tablet. There was some text on it, but I could not read it, probably because it was some old forgotten language, by the human race that is. Lucky for me, my dwarf companion, named Rothgur (not to be confused with Rothgar the merchant in Droknar’s Forge), could read the tablet. He began reading it and told me the following:

“He, who seeks hints about the future, will find hints in the past”

Like I didn’t know that one already, that’s what this whole expedition is about! I do not need a stone tablet to tell me so.

Having been distracted for a while because of the stone tablet, I did not notice the movements in my surroundings and thus we went on, towards the next peak. Of course the dwarf needed to complain that he could not keep up with his short legs and thus we decided to take shelter in a nearby cave. I began making a fire to create some warmth and light(it was starting to get darker outside), but then, out of nowhere, I heard a loud howl. I wanted to go out and see what was happening, but Rothgur pulled me back in the cave, starting to cry for his mom. The poor dwarf shouted that he shouldn’t have accompanied me, that he should’ve let me go alone. I calmed him down (a few punches on the back always work with dwarfs, reminds them of their moms) while searching for my sword and shield to prepare for battle.

I heard the wolves (or maybe something else) coming closer, but just when I feared for the worst a large being doomed up before the entrance of the cave. It was quite tall, and looked like a human, so it probably was a Norn that was on a hunting rampage. Because it was getting darker, I couldn’t see him or her that well, and thus I asked for his or her name, and what he was doing around these parts. She then told me that it did not matter at that moment, because the wolves were really close, and that she would talk later (Because of her voice, I figured she was female). The wolves then jumped out of the bushes and started to jump towards the Norn. It was really impressive to see the fight going on, there were around ten wolves surrounding the Norn. Then I realized that she might need some help, because not even a Norn can defeat ten wolves, so I thought. I jumped up, took my sword and shield and ran towards the front of the cave and started to help in defeating the wolves. While the Norn was fighting, she screamed to me that Norn do not need help, that she could fight them all herself. I did not retreat because I knew in the end, she did need help and so the battle went on. One wolf managed to bite the Norn in her leg, but as if it was just a scratch she went on. It took us a while to kill most of the wolves, while some other retreated out of fear.

The battle was over but I could see that the Norn did feel a lot of pain in her leg, and so I told her that she should come in, and let me have a look at her wound. When we came in, Rothgur was gone. I quickly took a look at the wound of the Norn and pasted some crème on it, hoping it would heal itself. I also picked a towel out of my pocket and wrapped it around the wound.

Her introduction would have to wait a bit as we needed to go search for Rothgur, he couldn’t be too far away with his short legs, could he?

Batavus the Scribe,

It has never been easy to go to the North, that was, before the earthquakes caused by The Great Destroyer and his minions. When the quakes caused the earth to split and made passages to the Depths of Tyria many brave heroes from all over the planet traveled to the North. They were lucky to find the Asura and a friendly dwarf (although probably he was drunk because come on, who wants to freely cooperate with asura..). They told them about this invention they had, selfishly called: Asura Gates. One could travel great distances when using such a gate. So that was a great day for all of Tyria, finally we found an easy way to travel to the north, but guess what, they blew it up!

So far for having an easy route to the North. Lucky for me I’ve young legs and dare to take on an adventure, so I went to Yak’s Bend, you know, that outpost with plenty of food. Well think again, I forgot that the food was meant to be for the caravan back when Rurik traveled through this area. (The poor guy died because he was looking at his land while he needed to pay attention to the Stone Summit ambushing him)

So now that I arrived at Yak’s Bend I needed to ask around for a route to the North. You’ll probably wonder why in Grenth’s name did he went to Yak’s Bend? I’ll tell you, there has been a time I studied the geography of Tyria, and while doing so I noticed that the closest gap between the Northern Shiverpeak and the Far Shiverpeak was here, at Yak’s. So, I went around asking for help and met this dwarf, he told me that a cousin of a cousin of his cousin told him that the best way to reach the Far Shiverpeaks was to travel over the mountains. Of course I did not know where to start climbing so he told me that he would accompany me because he had some undone business with a certain dwarf in Gunnar’s Hold.

And so I went on my route towards the North, my first destiny will be the Eye of the North, where I will visit a dear friend of mine.

Batavus the Scribe,

As a scribe I love to look forward, and have a look at things to come.
Yesterday evening I met this weird fellow down in a dwarven pub(man those ales do taste great!) He looked quite drunk but nevertheless, we got talking. He spoke about great things to happen, things we did not see before. He scetched a story about earthquakes and tidel waves overrunning Tyria like never before.

Something that concerned me more was his talking about the reduction of human presence in the Tyria-continent. He told me that other races would take over a greater area for their command.

I for one, do not believe in such nonsense, but if this would be true, we would need to prepare for the worst. I wouldnt like thinking about having Charr telling us what to do, just the toughts of it are frightning.

For dwayna’s sake, let’s hope that this all is just another drunkmen’s night, and nothing of this will ever come true. Other races, being more superior than our race, hah, nonsense!

I bid you all a farewell for now, while I’m off to the north, where my story will soon start as I explore the secrets hidden in a white bed of snow.

Batavus the Scribe,

Long lived in shadows, the time has now come to unleash my writing skillz(if I have any, that is..)

I would like to welcome you to this new blog, all about tyria and beyond.
While I’m fishing out how everything works around here, enjoy watching the Guild Wars 2 trailers:

Signing off for now,

Batavus the Scribe